If a physician told you to start incorporating more physical activity into your routine or to start eating healthier, would you know where to start?
It’s a position some 34 million adults find themselves in every year.
“Generic advice doesn’t work,” says Brock Leonti, CEO of Prescribe FIT. “Telling someone to get healthier by exercising is not enough.”
Leonti’s right. A study from Duke University found that general advice like “get healthy,” “lose weight” or “eat better” was not as effective as a physician taking an empathetic approach and helping a patient find a program and stick with it.
That’s exactly the gap that Columbus-based Prescribe FIT wants to help close.
Prescribe FIT’s purpose is best articulated through the acronym PACE – Prescribe, Assess, Connect, Engage & Monitor.
Published on April 22, 2019