
The Importance of Positive Thoughts

John Hopkins Medical discusses the power of positive thinking in the article link provided.

Studies find that negative emotions weaken your immune system while positive emotions can protect you from inflammation caused by stress. A positive outlook can even reduce your risk of heart disease!

There are several ways you can better cope with negative emotions and boost positive emotions. These include:

  • Focus on improving your relationships with loved ones and colleagues.
  • Try to accept and even embrace the fact that life is always changing.
  • Use difficult situations as an opportunity to practice problem solving.
  • Watch a comedy on TV or listen to a funny radio show or uplifting podcast.
  • Listen to soothing music when you are stressed or energizing music to feel uplifted.
  • Instead of stressing about a long line, watch a funny YouTube video to pass the time.

View on John’s Hopkins Website

TIP: Smiling more, even with just a fake smile, can boost your emotions in the face of stress. Try to practice gratitude for life and all its unique challenges and opportunities.

Published on February 2, 2023