Overcoming obstacles to exercising is very important. Starting an exercise program and sticking to it is key in changing your lifestyle and becoming a healthier you.
- The workout labs offer a great way to start off slowly by doing what you can at your convenience
- Remember a little exercise is better than no exercise
- Start slowly to increase your activity every day
- Stretch and warm up before exercising.
- Start small and keep building by gradually increasing the minutes every day
- Do not feel bad if you are not at the fitness level you want to be
- No guilt or shame allowed when starting an exercise program
- Take a walk at lunchtime or walk laps in a mall
- Exercise with friends or family
- Listen to your music when you are exercising
- Exercise should not be painful so start out slow and then increase minutes gradually
- Swimming and yoga have been known exercises to help with pain
TIP: Schedule activities into your day and take walk breaks at work, use the stairs, park farther away from stores. Find an activity you enjoy!
Published on May 13, 2023